A collaborative blog of fashion addicts, rambling about their latest fashion crazes and beauty tips.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Update and random tip

Random tip: I found out the hard way of how 'running cold water over your newly painted nails' trick works, do it as a finisher and not as an aid to dry nails faster!

I painted my nails and instead of blow drying them with a nail drier, I stuck it under cold water and the paint just smeared lol! So to carry out this tip like your supposed to: After painting you're nails, wait for them to dry till they won't smudge.Then run cold water down the nails towards the tips of your fingers! It makes the paint harden slightly, which means a bit more wear! :D

Updates to come: My current favourite item of clothing, Current fashion inspirations, and possibly more hauls/reviews, stay tuned!!


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